Postgres Essentials - Cheat Sheet

  • April 20, 2023
  • 2 min read

Basic Commands

psqlLaunches the PostgreSQL command-line interface
createdb [database_name]Creates a new database
dropdb [database_name]Deletes a database
createuser [username]Creates a new user
dropuser [username]Deletes a user

Database Management

\lLists all databases
\c [database_name]Connects to a specific database
\dtLists all tables in the current database
\d [table_name]Shows information about a specific table
\duLists all users
\password [username]Changes the password for a user

Table Management

CREATE TABLE [table_name] ([column_name] [data_type], ...)Creates a new table
DROP TABLE [table_name]Deletes a table
ALTER TABLE [table_name] ADD COLUMN [column_name] [data_type]Adds a new column to a table
ALTER TABLE [table_name] DROP COLUMN [column_name]Deletes a column from a table

Data Manipulation

INSERT INTO [table_name] ([column_name], ...) VALUES ([value], ...)Inserts a new row into a table
SELECT [column_name], ... FROM [table_name] [WHERE condition]Retrieves data from a table
UPDATE [table_name] SET [column_name]=[value] [WHERE condition]Updates existing data in a table
DELETE FROM [table_name] [WHERE condition]Deletes data from a table


BEGIN;Starts a new transaction
COMMIT;Commits a transaction
ROLLBACK;Rolls back a transaction